Time To Get Out And Cook!
Written By: Dianna Armand
We made it! Summer is here and the days are long and beautiful. Now is the time to dust off that BBQ , find your camp kitchen gear, or dust off your Jetboil and grab a new fuel canister. It is the perfect time to practice your outdoor cooking skills.
Summer is one of the best times of the year to pick up fresh local produce from your farmers market. Shopping at the farmers market ensures the freshest fruit and vegetables. In most cases you are directly supporting a small family run farm. You know the easiest way to cook summer vegetables and fruit is on the BBQ.
As we know, the simplest way is often the best. Get your favorite italian dressing, clean and then marinate the vegetables, now grill away. Thes make a great side or main dish, the flavors are mouthwatering fresh. Don’t stop here, the fruit belongs on an open flame as well. Peaches, nectarines, plums, actually most any stone fruit, will be great grilled. The flavors are even sweeter when you add a little heat. The easiest way to serve is with a little balsamic vinegar glaze.
BBQ’s are great, but what about cooking over an open flame. There is something satisfying about cooking on a campfire. Maybe it is the flame or the smell, but it is special. In our opinion campfire dinners are some of the best. After a full day of hiking or maybe just sitting under a shade tree catching up on your journaling, a hearty campfire dinner always hits the spot. When cooking on an open fire one of the easiest ways is with foil packets. These little packets are quick and easy, eveyones are customized to their liking, and no dishes to clean up! The packets are great for side dishes or a complete meal. A popular packet meal is desert. Split a banana, add some marshmallows, pieces of a chocolate bar and peanut butter. Wrap it up in foil and put in indirect heat until it is gooey and good. We also found a great website with some awesome recipe ideas for campfire packets at Four Around the World.
Another great camping meal saver is the dutch oven. Fill it, bury it in the hot coals and leave it until it is done. Camping with friends? Make a Dutch Oven dinner that everyone can participate in. Dutch Oven chili is a great meal to have everyone join in the making. It doesn’t matter what kind of beans, or kind of canned tomatoes, or even type of meat, (meatless is wonderful too!). Have everyone bring a can or something, don’t forget the onion and the spices. Prep and get everything into the pot, let it cook. It is guaranteed to be easy, tasty and fun!
Whether camping in the backcountry or off the back of your vehicle. There are an assortment of prepackaged and made ahead recipes that are perfect for eating a great meal in the middle of wherever you may be. The easiest and quickest way to cook yourself a great meal is with the Jetboil. We are huge fans of these small and mighty stoves. Imagine a long road trip up the coast, and having the ability to pull off by a cove on the beach and cook a meal? How about waking up in the morning and having barista quality coffee at the trailhead. Being on trail does not necessarily mean giving up the convenience of a quick meal. In need of some menu ideas, Jetboil’s website has some great recipes.
Remember to enjoy the long days of summer, go for a hike, a coastal drive or find a campsite. Live life to the fullest, make memories, and always eat great food.
As always let us know where you are exploring and what memories you are making. #seedinthewild #seedontheroad
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